Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Advances, in rehab and the real world

My little girls, the four year old twins, recently got new bunk beds.  This was a necessity because my amazonian daughters have grown too tall for their wee little toddler beds.  While feeling a little nostalgic for their tinier toddler days, I was excited for them to be taking this big, grown-up step, and thrilled that a friend of ours was able to help us find a beautiful set of beds for a great price.  The little princesses love their new beds, so that transition went pretty well.

Now my son, the eight year old, has had to get new shoes.  His feet are one and one-half sizes smaller than his almost thirty-three year old dad.  They are so close, hubby even took a picture of their feet next to each other because he knew I wouldn't believe him when he told me Bubby was wearing a regular size 8, not a little kid size 8.  My little man is really growing up fast, which is hard to swallow under normal circumstances, but especially lately when I feel like I'm missing so much of his life.  Thank goodness the children are visiting tomorrow night, and I intend to spend some quality time helping Bub catch up on his homework, something we always used to do together when I was at home.  Hard to believe I used to occasionally resent always being the parent that had to help with the homework, and sometimes made hubby help him do it while I made dinner, and now I want nothing more than to spend time doing spelling with my son.  

In rehab, we're continuing to make painfully slow but promising progress with my legs.  This weekend I was able to contract my left leg, bending it at the knee, as opposed to only being able to extend it previously.  On the right leg, my foot made much more noticeable movements when I tried to flex the ankle downward, with actual visible movement of the ball of my foot downward today.  And we have begun processing an adaptation that will give me greater freedom and hopefully does not end up being an accommodation for my failed recovery:  yesterday I was evaluated for a mechanical wheelchair so that I'll be able to get around for long distances without running out of arm stamina or having to be pushed.  I'm hoping with all my might that I won't need it for very long, but in the short term it will give us the freedom to do things like go shopping together and take the kids to the zoo without having to sacrifice the kids' safety (having a grown-up to hold hands with) or having to leave me at home.  It could take a couple of months to get that sort of power chair approved by insurance, though.  Keeping fingers crossed.

So, this week is full of reminders that time is marching on, not just here in rehab where I measure it by every tiny, incremental improvement, but also out there in the world, where my family are living out their days without mommie and the kids are growing up much too fast.  I need to hurry up and get better.


  1. Now if I can just get bub to bring his worksheets home. :) We'll march into school if he doesn't have them tomorrow when we pick him up. :)

  2. You have a gift for words. Thanks for sharing it with us. Kids grow up too fast, period.


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