Monday, January 23, 2012

Just a typical day in rehab

Today was a good example of a typical day in rehab.  Things don't always go according to plan here, like me having to spend half of my scheduled morning therapy sessions laid out in bed trying to go potty.  But after the lows there are almost always highs, like this afternoon when we used a mechanical lift to get me into my wheelchair.  Then I got to wheel myself up and down the hallway, and even go down to the therapy gym to do some trunk strengthening exercises that help the body to stay balanced while sitting upright.  It was the first time I left my room since transferring into rehab, with the exception of being rolled out of here on a gurney for my radiation consultation the other day.  The freedom, the liberated feeling of moving around under my own steam, even if by wheelchair instead of walking, was fantastic.  Afterward my therapist helped move my legs through a series of exercises to give the muscles the feeling of movement even though I couldn't initiate the motions myself.  It also felt fantastic, finally giving me that sensation of muscular warmth that indicates that a beneficial workout was done.  Plus I launched this blog, so, all in all, a pretty awesome day. :)


  1. What?! No balloon basketball? Or ninja-pressure point-jab training? Tell me you at least made some racing sounds as you were cruising down the hall! :)

  2. You've done a lot of work with the blog already! You are a wordsmith extraordinaire! Rainy


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