Monday, January 23, 2012

Bubby, the best son ever

One night in August, recovering from my surgery, I had occasion to be totally humbled and yet full of pride all at the same time.  Here's what I wrote that evening:

All full of my great recovery so far, tonight I tried to take the girls to go potty before bedtime. The slight angle of bending forward required was too painful for me. Full of chagrin, because only my own pride kept me from having anyone here to assist me tonight, I had no one to ask to help me but my 7 yr old son. Without complaint and with utter cheerfulness, he took his half-naked 3yr old sister to the bathroom and helped her go potty, then sang the ABC's with her as they washed their hands together afterward. I put her pull-ups on her, and kissed them all good night, and squeezed him so hard and told him I could not explain how grateful I was for his help and how proud I am of him. I am brought to tears by his simple kindness, his ability to have so much goodness in him. So proud and lucky to be his mama.

1 comment:

  1. I believe I read this on FB before - it made me tear up then & it made me tear up now. How sweet & totally awesome! Rainy


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