Thursday, July 12, 2012

Supper Sitting Up

Tonight I decided that, thanks to that stomach flu, I'd been spending quite entirely too much time in my bed lately, and that I would eat my dinner sitting up in a chair instead of sitting up in bed.  This might seem like a "duh" sort of moment to most people, but most people don't experience the kind of pain I usually have when I'm sitting up in a chair.  Several days of only getting up for potty trips were making my tailbone cranky, though, so a foray to a dining room chair was in order.  

I sat up for the duration of my meal, and as long as I could tolerate it afterward, and for a pleasant change, it wasn't pain that drove me back to bed, it was being too chilly and needing to get under my blankets!  So this was a victory for pain-free eating, and I hope, a sign of more meals that I'll be able to enjoy sitting up like a normal person.  Plus I got to half-way dance with my husband while I shuffled around from the chair to the bed, holding onto him instead of using my walker.  And of course, showing off a few more of my new hands-free stand-ups.  :)

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