Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Very Important Lessons

Today's Very Important Lessons:

1.  Not everything should be blogged.  Written, sure, but not shared.  Make every effort to recognize this before you click Publish.  I have, which is why you are reading this post, and not the one I wrote thirty minutes ago.

2.  Pepto Bismol is not safe to take with Warfarin.  It is a Class 2 interaction.  Bad ju-ju.  Me:  "Will it raise or lower my INR?"  Pharmacist:  "It could make you bleed a lot, a lot more easily."  Definite no-no.  After checking for interactions, pharmacy recommended I take OTC Zantac for my heartburn.

3.  Zantac is not Xanax.  Make very certain your husband understands this before he goes to the store for you.  Luckily for him, one is readily available on store shelves, and one is not.

4.  Yes, it absolutely CAN and WILL go from Sunny 86F to Thunderstorm 54F to Snow 27F in less than a 30hr period.   




1 comment:

  1. Appreciate the V.I.L.s! Do not envy you your weather! :(


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