Sunday, February 12, 2012

An apology? No, but close.

I'm only gonna say this one time.  

A major part of how I cope with all this crap, and a major point of this blog, is focusing on the comedy in everyday life.  I laugh at everything I possibly can, and I want others to laugh with me.  Yes, some of the mishaps along the way would be embarrassing for some or all of the parties involved in them, but I don't share those mishaps for the purposes of shaming anyone.  The people and locations are anonymous because it doesn't matter who did what, what matters is what we take away from it.  You can choose whether to find it outrageous or outrageously funny.  If you follow the entries faithfully, you'll find I poke as much fun at myself and my own mistakes (i.e. the sheetless gown incident) as I do at the mistakes of others, and if you read this and you're a part of one of those mistakes and feel embarrassed, then I'm sorry: not that I told it, but that you chose not to laugh with us.  No one's pointing fingers here, these things could happen to anyone anywhere, and I think laughter is a lot healthier than guilt.  Here's to your health, and mine.

1 comment:

  1. Like the part where your awesome hubby constantly forgets his wallet when he heads to get you some contraband from the cafeteria.


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