Saturday, March 23, 2013

Transition Phase

March marks the one year anniversary of the completion of my radiation treatments.  Then, as now, I was thrilled to put one step behind me while at the same time apprehensive about what would come next.  It's not about cancer this time, though, that situation has been stable for some time.  The tumor is still there, and that's always worrisome, but for now it seems to be willing to behave, which is to say, it does nothing.  

This time around the relief is from finally being finished with the arduous preparations to sell our house, which included furniture upheaval and the inconvenience of having more than half our belongings relocated to a storage unit.  But now that all the rush and effort of staging is done, there is nothing left to do but worry.  Worry over how quickly the deadline to contract this house for sale is looming, and how devastating it will be to lose the perfectly situated house we want to buy over the delay of this one not selling quickly enough.

Hopefully, we will find a buyer in time, so that the next transition we face is the welcome one of settling into our new home.


  1. What a year this has been for all of you! We are so hoping that you'll be able to find the perfect buyer in time to complete your own purchase and move in. Have you asked about an beyond your control affecting the ability of buyers to be out looking? Wishing you God speed in accomplishing your dream!!! JKFN


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